Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

12:50 am Christmas Eve/Day and here is my first gift of the year. A new blog site! It brings me such joy to give so much to those around me. Ok, so my inaugural post is wrought with sarcasm. I was moved to create such literary greatness by fellow wrongdoers Chip and Cliff. And since they are the only bloggers I know here I may as well refer to them as, you and you.
The thought of compiling a "year-in-review" was considered. But that's just too much nonsense. So I've settled for a "night-in-review": Lovely Christmas Eve service at church (boy did I Bring-it on the Halleluja chorus!) Fine crowd, about 1200. As if the festive season hadn't reached a creshendo our dinner of choice was home-made Nog pancakes. That chef can sure burn in the kitchen! The yule carb loading was followed by a tradition that some have found generic but I still embrace. Jimmy Stewart's "It's a Wonderful Life". It has the warmth, feel and love that we look for this time of year. And that Donna Reed is just delightful. And of course the 24-hour Christmas Story marathon attracts my wondering eye from time to time. (like now, No Ralphie!)
So as I finish my milk and cookies- yes I'm completely cliche' - I'll try to remember to come back here. Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

Cliff Marshall said...


Thanks for letting me know about the blog. I will add it to the ones I check everyday. What's the dogs name in the picture? Don't ever stop watching "It's a Wonderful Life", we watch it every year. Keep the sarcastic, off-beat, sardonic (I don't really know what that word means), witty and heart warming blogs coming.